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Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Passion of Travelling

I love travel, I love something new, new places, new culture, new enviroment, and new looks, also a new great views. I love that all and I think most of people is dream about that. We can travel anywhere and anytime we want to. But there are many problems that we must face off, including financial problem.
I am the one who had to face that and because of that I make this blog. Just to fullfil my passion to travel aboard, to many country, many places that have a great views and great adventures.
So with this blog, I hope part of my passion can be fill with many places without going there. I really hope that someday many people can share with me, a nice and wonderful places around this world.
Here are a journey I took few month ago, from Jakarta to Ciamis, we stop in a place call Sharmila Restaurant, a country side style restaurant with a great view and great lake. And look what I found in the lake.
Thousand of Gold fish, waiting for us to feed them. The restaurant already provide you some fish food, so you no need to buy them.
Beside thousand of fish, you also will get a great view.

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